Other Writings…

A Time of Awakening

After eleven days of traveling by oxcart into the countryside, I reached my ultimate destination: the compound of Bhagava Brachmacharya, Yogi and Mystic, set between a factory that produced rickshaw mirrors and a home for retired Rajas. "Bhagi," as he's known to his followers, invited me to a purity bath my very first evening, and as I rubbed oil on his head, I knew that I'd found my spiritual home. I was put on a strict diet of jackfruit and a half cup of rice per day to uncloud the vision of my third eye, and became an eager explorer as Bhagi introduced me to new worlds: tantric yoga, psychedelics, French New Wave cinema, and Mongolian throat singing. It was a happy time.

The New Revised Standard Version

Most of what we know about letters of consolation comes from Greek and Roman sources, wherein consolation was not concerned solely with bereavement, but with all forms of mental distress. Sympathy was part of consolation, but the letters of consolation might also include practical advice about restoring emotional balance, a reminder to behave responsibly during times of turmoil, a warning not to complain against God, examples of others who have overcome similar hardships, or even a scolding.

Our Beers [B] Side Descriptions - Not Appropriate for All Audiences, Damn!

Funk Me Pumps takes Aunt Linda’s Thanksgiving classic and adds what’s been missing all along: Beer. It’s Beer Pie for winners, sinners, and holiday dinners. So squeeze those hammertoes into some Funk Me Pumps and start celebrating like you’re meant to, with beer pie. Hell, you might just get invited to sit at the grownups table this year.